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Show the Following Items in the Balance Sheet As Per the Provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 in (Revised) Schedule VI

Show the following items in the balance sheet as per the provisions of the companies Act, 1956 in (Revised) Schedule VI:

 1. Show the following items in the balance sheet as per the provisions of the companies Act, 1956 in (Revised) Schedule VI:

Particulars Rs.Particulars Rs.
Preliminary Expenses2,40,000Good will30,000
Discount on issue of shares20,000Loose tools12,000
10% Debentures2,00,000Motor Vehicles4,75,000
Stock in Trade1,40,000Provision for tax16,000
Cash at bank1,35,000  
Bills receivable1,20,000  

Extract of Balance Sheet

ParticularsNote No.Amount (Rs.)
I.Equity and Liability
1. Share holders Fund
a. Reserve and Surplus
2. Non-current Liabilities12,00,000
a. Long term Borrowing
3. Current Liabilities
a. Other Current Liabilities
b. Short term Provision216,000
1. Non-current assets
a. Fixed asset
i. Tangible assets34,75,000
ii. Intangible assets430,000
Non-Current Investment
2. Current assets
a. Inventories51,52,000
b. Trade Receivables61,20,000
c. Cash and Cash equivalents71,35,000
d. Other Current Liabilities82,60,000

Notes to Accounts:
ParticularsAmount (Rs.)
1. Long-term Borrowing
10% Debentures2,00,000
2. Short Term Provision
Provision for tax16,000
3. Tangible Asset
Motor vehicle4,75,000
4. Intangible Asset
5. Inventories
Loose tools12,000
6. Trade Receivables
Bill Receivables1,20,000
7. Cash and Cash equivalents
Cash at Bank1,35,000
8. Other Current Assets
Preliminary expenses2,40,000
Discount on Issue of shares20,0002,60,000

Chapter-3 Financial Statement of a Company-II

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