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Prepare a Balance Sheet of Black Swan Ltd., As At March 31, 2017 Form the Following Information:

7. Prepare a balance sheet of Black Swan Ltd., as at March 31, 2017 form the following information:

General Reserve3,000
10% Debentures3,000
Statement of Profit & Loss1,200
Depreciation on fixed assets700
Gross Block9,000
Current Liabilities2,500
Preliminary Expenses300
6% Preference Share Capital5,000
Cash & Cash Equivalents6,100

Extract of Balance Sheet

as at March 31,2017

ParticularsNote No.Amount  (Rs.)
I. Equity and Liabilities  
1. Shareholders’ Funds  
a. Share Capital15,000
b. Reserves and Surplus24,200
2. Non-Current Liabilities  
      a. Long-term Borrowings33,000
3. Current Liabilities 2,500
Total 14,700
II. Assets  
1Non-Current Assets  
     a. Fixed Assets  
         i. Tangible Assets48,300
2. Current Assets  
     a. Cash and Cash Equivalents56,100
     b. Other Current Assets6300
Total 14,700

Notes to Accounts

ParticularsAmount (Rs.)
1. Share Capital 
6% Preference Share Capital5,000
2.Reserve and Surplus 
General Reserve3,000
Statement of Profit or Loss1,2004,200
3.Long Term Borrowings 
10% Debentures3,000
4. Tangible Assets 
Fixed Assets9,000
Less: Depreciation7008,300
5.Cash and Cash Equivalents 
6. Other Current Assets 
Preliminary Expenses300

Chapter-3 Financial Statement of a Company-II

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