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The Hack Driver Successfully Trapped the Narrator in his Web of Words. Comment. - Bzziii.com

The hack driver successfully trapped the narrator in his web of words. Comment. The narrator’s first visit to New Mullion was a complete failure.
The hack driver successfully trapped the narrator in his web of words. Comment.

The narrator’s first visit to New Mullion was a complete failure. He couldn’t find even a trace of Oliver Lutkins. Actually, the delivery man and the hack driver Bill, who met him at the station, was responsible for this failure. Bill be-friended the lawyer assuring him that he knew the places where Lutkins usually used to hang about. He told a lie that he had seen Lutkins just an hour ago. Then, Bill drove the narrator to the different parts of the town and meeting different people there. Actually, Bill planned the whole false drama the moment he came to know that the narrator was searching for Oliver Lutkins. Everywhere he went, he kept the narrator standing behind him at the door. He didn’t allow him to interrogate people directly about Lutkins. They drove to Fritz’s, to Gustaf’s, Gray’s barber shop and to the poolroom. Everywhere they got the same answer that Lutkins had left only a while ago. In this way the hack driver successfully trapped the narrator in his web of words.

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