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You are Samina Zaveri, Class X, Vadodara, Gujarat. You come across the following information on a local library’s notice board.

You are Samina Zaveri, Class X, Vadodara, Gujarat. You come across the following information on a local library’s notice board.

You wish to participate but require more information. Write a letter to Teen-Toggle Games Pvt.Ltd in about 120 words, enquiring about rules, scholarship details and deadlines. Also enquire about specifications for solo or group entries.

Samina Zaveri, Class X,
Vadodara, Gujarat
22th January, 2022

To: Teen-Toggle Games Pvt.Ltd

Subject: require more information about own board games competition

Respected Sir,

with due respect and humble dedication I would like to say that I came to know about the board game competition of Teen Toggle Games Pvt Ltd from the notice board of the local library and I was excited to participate in this competition but unfortunately that notice The lack of some information I found on the board confused me, as they are the following questions that came to mind, about the rules, scholarship details and deadlines and whether these games are for single or group entries.

   So, I would be glad if you are answer my following doubts and clear my mind this completions queries.

   So, I request you to answer my questions and make me eligible to participate in this board game competition.Thanking you.

your faithfully
Samina Zaveri

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