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Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.

Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.
Study the concept chart from the self-help magazine section of a monthly publication.

Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed responses to the situation when one faces setbacks.

Situation setback: There are two types of experience of feeling upset:

(1) healthy processing or sound operation and (2) inability to process or failure to process completely

(1) Healthy Processing: When a person wants to perform a concrete operation he/she wants to feel and benefit from it, pay attention to the example, revise the conviction on adequacy and the circle of dear memories survey of the obstacle. Evaluate the difficulty of the task and the likelihood of future achievement by completing the task.

(2) Inability to process completely: The inability to process completely is also distinguished in two ways such as (a) block feeling and (b) block learning

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