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The Uruka Happens to Be An Important Aspect of Magh Bihu. Give An Elaborate Account of the Celebrations Associated With Uruka? - Bzziii.Com

The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu. Give an elaborate account of the celebrations associated with Uruka.? Answer: Magh Bihu or

The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu. Give an elaborate account of the celebrations associated with Uruka?

Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu is the post harvest festival celebrated by the Assamese people in the local month of Magh during mid-January. The Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu is one of the most important community festivals in Assam. It is celebrated with community feasts after the annual harvest.The highlight of this festival is the food and festing due to the abundance of grains after the harvest. The night before Magh Bihu is called Uruka, It is the night of feasts.

People in villages and in many areas build temple like structures, it is called Bhelaghor or Meji. It is made with green bamboo and dried banana leaves and straw.Uruka festing may be a family affair or communal. In the community kitchen begin the preparations. Various dishes, vegetables, fish, eggs and meat items are made and the women folk prepare sweets such as Pitha, Laru, mah-karai, takeli pitha, sunga pitha, sunga saul, borarice at home.

After the festing is over, The next day early in the morning people ties thin strips of bamboo or hay around the fruit bearing trees. Womenfolk clean the house and cooking pans and all take a purifying bath. Then the community gathers to light the Meji ghar, the male folk and children move around the mejis and pray for a better harvest in the year ahead, set fire and offer eatables to the god of fire Agni. People later indulge in traditional Jolpan breakfast.
also, Indigenous games such as wrestling, racing, jumping, buffalo fighting, Egg fighting are the parts of the celebrations. Community fishing by the tribes in the large wetlands can be also seen in some areas.

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