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Fill in the blanks: 1.I ___ told you what to do. 2.Naomi makes very ___ faces. 3.What is the ____ of two plus two.

Answers: 1.I already told you what to do. 2.Naomi makes very sad faces. 3.What is the sum of two plus two 4. We plan to go to park day next Friday.5.

Fill in the blanks:

1.I ___ told you what to do.
2.Naomi makes very ___ faces.
3.What is the ____ of two plus two.
4. We ___ to go to park day next Friday.
5. "____ you please scratch my back " .
6.Vincent said. After you finish your school work you ___ watch cartoons.
7. We ___ begin our day by reading the Bible.
8.Please ____ your dirty dishes into the sink.
9.Please ____ the small ball to park day.
10. I ___ talk to mom about what I learned.
11.The baseball player ____ a grand slam.

1.I told you what to do.
2.Naomi makes very very faces.
3.What is the result of two plus two.
4. We plan to go to park day next Friday.
5. "can you please scratch my back " .
6.Vincent said. After you finish your school work you can watch cartoons.
7. We will begin our day by reading the Bible.
8.Please wash your dirty dishes into the sink.
9.Please hand the small ball to park day.
10. I can talk to mom about what I learned.
11.The baseball player is a grand slam.

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