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The Story Also Focuses On Human Loneliness And the Need to Bond With Others. Discuss. - The Rattrap

The story also focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Discuss. Ans: Rattrap manages issues of human desperation and the need to

The story also focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others. Discuss.

Rattrap manages issues of human desperation and the need to bond with others. Various characters such as Crofter, Ironmaster and Adla along with Seller underline this reality.

The merchant's heart had left him because he was in his dilemma for a long time. Nevertheless, Edla's generosity and friendliness turned her. Crofter, again, is a frustrated man, whose longing for organisation leads him to shelter a drifter, and he is stolen. Indeed, the Ironmaster and his girl experience the consequences of despair. They want to dress up on Christmas Eve and get excited whenever they get a chance to serve a visitor.

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